BA Part 1 3rd Year Pak Studies Guess Paper 2024

BA Part 1 3rd Year Pak Studies Guess Paper 2024. Guess papers for private students of Punjab University and 2024 conventions have been announce. If some students want to prepare better for BA and BSc final exams 2024 Guess Papers then they can click on the link to get test papers and get Guess Papers online for free.Punjab University is a public sector university. They announce the exams in the middle of the year and publish the results on the student portal. Once the assessment is complete for an article, it is upload right here on this page.

Pak Studies BA part 1 Guess paper 2024

These BA Pakistan Research Guess Papers 2024 are very reliable as they are prepare by the examiners of Punjab University, who also have the experience of setting the test paper in the last few years. Please note that assessment paper for all BA Part 1 subjects is being prepare and will be update soon. I am preparing BA estimation paper for Punjab University, Sargodha University, University of Gujarat etc. Well, students, if you are interest in BA Pakistan Study Guessing Questions, you don’t need to go anywhere else, just visit this page below and easily download the Guessing Questions on your computer.

You can even check the questions online anytime. Want Pak Studies BA Part 1 Assessment Paper 2024.So, these are the Guess Papers for Bachelor of Pakistan Studies in Punjab University in 2024. I hope these gust files will be very helpful in your preparation. But if you have any questions or comments, you can leave them in the comment section below. We will upload this assessment test paper at least three days before the test paper. Please note that assessment paper for all BA Part 1 subjects is being prepare and will be updat soon.

Pak Study Guess Paper for B.A B.Com BSc:

I am preparing BA Guess paper for Punjab University, Sargodha University, University of Gujarat etc. So just keep rhythm and visit this website regularly. This page is dedicate to all subject BA Part 1 guess papers. Please note that the Guess paper of all BA Part 1 subjects is being prepare and will be update soon. I am preparing BA Guess Paper for Punjab University, Sargodha University, University of Gujarat etc.BA Part 1 Annual Exams for Punjab University is being in July August. BA Part 1 3rd Year Pak Studies Guess Paper 2024.

Where the students will take the written test. All types of examinations have been delay in Punjab and Pakistan due to holidays in educational institutions across the country. The exams could not be in April and now they are being held in July 2024. So Download Guess Paper for All Annual Exams for Punjab University.

Important Questions 2024 BA Pak Studies

Below is the list of all important questions

1۔ نظریہ پاکستان کے اغراض و مقاصد۔

2۔ حضرت مجدد الف ثانی کی خدمات۔

3۔ قائدِ اعظم کے ارشادات کی روشنی میں نظریہ پاکستان کی وضاحت ۔

4۔ علامہ اقبال کا خطبہ الٰہ آباد

5۔ پاکستان کی ابتدائی مشکلات۔

6۔ استحکامِ پاکستان میں قائدِ اعظم کا کردار۔

7۔ پاکستان میں نفاذِ اسلام کے لیئے کی گئی کوششیں۔

8۔ صنعت کی پسماندگی کی وجہ اور اس کا حل۔

9۔ پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی کے مقاصد اور اصول

10۔ پاکستان اور سعودی عرب کے تعلقات۔

11۔ اسلامی ممالک کی تنظیم میں پاکستان کا کردار۔

12۔ پاکستان اور چین کے تعلقات۔

13۔ مسلم لیگ کے قیام کے مقاصد اور اسباب۔

14۔ تقسیمِ بنگا ل کے اسباب اور تنسیخ

15۔ پاکستان کی جغرافیائی اہمیت۔

16۔ تحریکِ علی گڑھ کی تعلیمی اور سیاسی خدمات۔

17۔ 1956، 1962، 1973 کے آئین کی اسلامی دفعات۔

18۔ 135 کا آل انڈیا ایکٹ اور اس کے خدو خال

19۔ 1945-46 کے انتخابات

20۔ شاہ ولی اللہ کی خدمات۔    

BA Part 1 All Subjects Notes 
EnglishIslamic CompulsoryEducation
Pak StudiesIslamiat ElectivePsychology
Applied PsychologyPhysical EducationSociology
EconomicsPolitical Science