BSc Part 2 Guess Paper 2024 All Subject.BA Part 2 All Subjects Guess Paper ,BA Part 2 All subjects Guess paper ,Download guess paper for BA part 2 for Punjab University. Important questions of English, Education, sociology, BA part 2 English guess paper for Punjab University in pdf download. This is important questions for b.a part 2 2024.
BA Part 2 All Subjects Guess Paper 2024
Applied Psychology | General Maths | Persian Elective |
Statistics | Women Studies | Geography |
Geology | Home Economics | Philosophy |
Essential Economics | Fine Arts | Arabic |
English | Political Science | Education |
Punjabi | Sociology ( Imraniat ) | Computer Science |
Urdu | Elective Islamic Studies | French |
BSc Guess Paper 2024, BSc Botany, Zoology,Chemistry, Physics , There are BSc Guess Paper 2024 Punjab University All Subjects available for the students. So, they can get their guess papers from this site.
The guess paper of the Punjab University for the Students of the private and the regular for the session 2024 has been announced. If any student wants to get the guess paper for the better preparation in the final examination of the BA and the BSC that kind of the students click the link and they can get the guess book and the paper online without any charges. The Punjab university is the government sector university and they announced the examination at the mid of the year and they announced the result at the student portal.
Subjects and the courses of the BA and the BSC
In the BA the students study the
- English
- Sociology
- Political sciences
- Social work
- History
- Economics
- Home Economics
- Persian
- Arabic
There are different subjects in the BSC because the Punjab University always announced the different department’s admission in the BSC field. Now, this time the university announced that they take the computer engineering and the chemical and the mechanical and the electrical and the other engineering’s.
Category of the Guess paper
In the educational department and the field, there are many guess books and the papers and the model papers and the past papers are available in the market. The important thing is that the students do not afford the too much amount for buying the all books guess paper. They just only click the link and they get all the text books and the helping books and the guess papers and the model papers in the single click.
How to get 90 % marks
In the survey of the Pakistan, the 80 percent students said that the guess paper and the model papers are very helpful for the preparation of the examination.
- The syllabus is too much tough and the students do not learn the entire syllabus they just only understand the concepts.
- In the guess papers, the important questions and the multiple choice questions and the long questions are mentioned.
- If any student wants to get the 80 to 90 percent marks, they must read the guess paper before the 15 days of the examination.
Read More:BSc Part 1 & 2 Notes 2024 All Subject