10th Class English Guess Paper 2024 All Punjab Board

10th Class English Guess Paper 2024 All Punjab Board.English is a very important subject and all the students of the world are very interested in this subject. On this page, we are going to share with the complete guess papers of English A and English B and these guess papers are valid for all the boards of Pakistan. Only those candidates who read these speculative papers get good marks in the annual examinations. These assessment papers help you to get good marks in board exams and then get admission in a good college or university.

Note:These guess papers are prepared according to your paper pattern.These guess papers will prove highly helpful for board exam. Students can save their time and practice the most important material for the exam. The students can download 10th Class guess papers 2024 in pdf for getting good grades.

Download 10th Class English Guess Paper 2024

Assume that the papers play an important role in the life of each student as it is estimated that the dissertation provides all the important questions which are more likely to appear in the final examinations. These estimation papers also give full details of the paper samples.As the tenth grade annual examinations are underway. Students are somewhat scared of board exams. That is why we will distribute the best English assessment papers for 10th class in 2024.In some cases, English subjects are difficult to digest. That is why many students are unable to get high marks in final exams.

10th Class English Guess Paper 2024 All Punjab Board

10th Class English Guess Paper 2024View-Download

Annual Exam 10th Class English Guess Paper 2024

This 10th class guess paper includes a list of the most important questions for short questions and long questions. 10th Class English Guess Paper 2024.You don’t have to buy estimates from stores. Now you can easily download the estimation paper from our website. Educatehill.com is giving you the latest estimates for 2024.Students of all BISE Punjab Boards benefit from these guess papers. If you are looking for 10th class English Guess Paper 2024 in PDF then you are at the right place. English is taught as a compulsory subject in all classes. Students must pass this test, whether they are from the science group or the arts group.

10th Class English Guess Paper 2024 All Punjab Board


  • Why did Quraish think that the Rasool (S.A.W.W) would favour them for forgiveness of a Quraish woman?
  • Why did non –Muslim trust the Rasool (S.A.W.W.)
  • How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
  • How does the Quran describe the personality of the Rasool.(S.A.W.W).
  • Why is Chinese New year never on the same day each year?
  • What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before New Year day?
  • Why does New Year’s dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?
  • When does Chinese New Year start?
  • Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged n Chinese New Year? Why?
  • What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
  • What do the little red envelope filled with money symbolize?
  • What can we learn from failure?
  • How is failure not a disgrace?
  • What is the poet repeating the sentence ‘Try again’?
  • You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why?
  • When do you need to see a doctor?
  • Why should you first aid kit consist of?
  • What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?
  • What will happen after the rain stops?
  • How does the light fill the drops?
  • What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
  • What is one good thing about newspapers?
  • How does television make us lazy?
  • How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
  • Why do some people read more than one newspapers.
  • Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
  • How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
  • What kind of person is the author?
  • What was motivated the author to participate so actively?
  • What are some distinctions of the writer?
  • How has the writer spent his summer vacation?
  • How have these job experience made the author more mature?


  • What is wind doing to all man’s work?
  • How does the scene look like when win is still?
  • In Past, why did people want to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot?
  • Explain the phrase” Profitable livelihood”.
  • How do career counselor help you to choose the right profession?
  • What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?
  • What is meant by the “Right Profession”?
  • How can career counselors help the young people?
  • Can modern technology take the place of books?
  • Why does the author use the term? Fast food” and “Slow food”?
  • What role does a library play to promote the habit of book reading?
  • How does a book connect the reader and the writer?
  • In what way books are better than radio, TV and internet.
  • Which book has inspired you the most? Why?
  • How does a book connect the reader and the writer?
  • What kind of boy was Pip?
  • What changed pip’s life?
  • Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?
  • Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip?
  • What did the prisoner support Pip?
  • How did Pip become a successful businessman?
  • Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner?
  • Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?
  • Why are developing countries going to suffer more due to over population?
  • What is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition?
  • What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?
  • How is fossil energy of a finite source?
  • What strategies should be adopted for safe future?Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?
  • What case did the young men bring to Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A).
  • On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave?
  • Why did the accusers forgive the villager?


UNIT NO. 1: Paragraph No. 3
UNIT NO. 2: Paragraph No. 2, Paragraph No. 4
CHAPTER NO. 4: Paragraph No. 1, Paragraph No. 2
UNIT NO. 6: Paragraph No. 2, Paragraph No .6
UNIT NO. 7: Paragraph No. 1, Paragraph No. 4
CHAPTER NO. 9: Paragraph No. 2, Paragraph No. 6
UNIT NO. 10: Paragraph No. 3, Paragraph No. 7
UNIT NO. 11: Paragraph No. 5
CHAPTER NO. 12: Paragraph No. 4
UNIT NO. 13: Paragraph No. 2, Paragraph No. 4


1.The Rain. 2. Try Again


  • Life in Big city
  • My Ambition
  • A cricket match/Hockey match
  • A Rainy Day
  • My Hobby
  • Quaid –e-Azam
  • My last day at school


  • A Road Accident
  • Fashion
  • My neighbor
  • My School.
  • Girl Guide
  • I like the teacher best.


1- Paragraph No. 2.
2- Paragraph No. 5.
3- Paragraph No. 8.
4- Paragraph No. 10.
5- Paragraph No. 15
6- Paragraph No. 16.
7- Paragraph No. 18.
8- Paragraph No. 20
9- Paragraph No. 22.
10- Paragraph No. 23

SSC Part 2 English Guess Papers 2024

Guess papers are very important and with the help of guest papers students get a complete idea of ​​the annual papers. We made a complete student of the book and an estimate sheet after all the past papers of each board. You can also check each book and each board peering scheme online for free from this page. 10th class assessment paper 2024.

These tenth grade annual estimate sheets will be useful for students to prepare well for the annual exams. We do not claim that 100% of the questions will be from this guess paper, but this goss paper is designed exactly according to the matriculation syllabus. BISE DG Khan Board

10th Class estimation papers for all subjects

Students need to learn about elective subjects to evaluate class 10 papers. They are not difficult to understand but easy and interesting. We are providing you the most important guest paper of 2024 class 10 preparation.The best assessment papers are available here through which students can easily get good marks in these subjects. We are providing you with very useful and important speculation papers. Download 10th class guest papers in PDF to easily test your board exam. These speculation papers are made by highly educated teachers based on experience.

Information About 10th Class Guess Papers 2024

We have prepared these speculative pamphlets exactly according to the Punjab Board and are providing you in the best form. The great thing about these guess papers is that they are available online. Students can check 10th class assessment paper 2024 on Educatehill website from where these guest papers can be easily saved in PDF files. You can also see the matric peering scheme and the matriculation syllabus.